The Continuation of Finn’s Blog
Hi. I’m Finn and this is my blog. The place to catch up on all the news about Loch Earn and The Four Seasons. Some exciting news since my last blog is not only was The Four Seasons finalist in The Dog Buddy Awards, we also won The Best Loved Hotel in Scotland. What I want to know is what about The Best Loved dog, surely that is me? If you are quick and visit us (we re-open on 16th February) you may still be able to pick up one of our pooh bag dispensers. Very handy for dog owners and part of being a responsible dog owner too! They even have a clip to put on our leads or collars.
I keep hearing my owner talk about how pet-friendly we are and I have certainly seen that over the holidays. We had loads of dogs here, I particularly liked Ellen. She looked like me apart from a curly tail – the give-a-way that she had a bit of rottie in her! She was kind of cute so I played hard to get…
There was Buddy, Barker, Amber and Cara to name but a few and all were allowed in to join their owners in the entertainment zone in The Tarken on Hogmanay. Whilst Jock the Box kept the evening going, there were two stars – Charlotte and Amanda. At the suggestion of Jock to bring on River Dance, there was no stopping the pair of them. A River Dance joust and a spectacle to see, enjoyed by all.
Then, on New Year’s Day, Charlotte was up and ready for a dip into Loch Earn. She and her friends were all keen triathletes and she was planning to come back in September for “The End to End”10K swim.
We soon said goodbye to some staff – we’ll miss them. The hotel is now closed so I’m allowed to roam all over the place – well I wish! I toddle off to explore and before I know it, all I hear is “Finn. Finn. Come here!” So back I trot and go to my preferred bed in reception – under the desk. I feel safe there and I can keep an eye on all that is going on. There seems to be a lot going on even though we are closed. Mike is moving furniture and painting and there are lots of people who I don’t know visiting. They all seem to be pleased to meet me and then they disappear.
My Mum and I are spending more time in The Vivaldi Apartment so she can watch TV whilst she works. I’d like to move in permanently but I’m not allowed.
I’ve really enjoyed the snow these last few weeks. I love to snuffle my way through it. We bumped into a lady called Jean last week and she was on her way to visit one of the residents who lives on his own and doesn’t get out much. That is what St Fillans is like – a caring community and one I am proud to be a part of! Happy New Year to one and all!